Personal Trainer Philly- Isn’t healthy eating expensive?

Personal Trainer Philly!

Isn’t eating healthy expensive?” Personal Trainer Philly suggests otherwise! 
If I had a nickel for every time a client asked me some variation of this question I could offset my own personal healthy eating costs.
Yes, healthy eating is often more expensive than unhealthy eating. Just to cite a few examples:

  • An organic bell pepper costs more than ten servings of Doritos.
  • A pound of grass-fed, hormone-free beef costs at least twice as much as red-dyed, estrogen-heavy beef purchased from the grocery store “sale” section.
  • You can buy 4,000 calories worth of fruit flavored gummies for the cost of a pound of actual strawberries.

It’s true. In our world, where junk food is so abundant and inexpensive, healthy eating is a revolutionary act of discipline in mind, body, andmoney.
But it doesn’t always have to be so expensive. What if I told you, that you could help your clients get several of the benefits of healthy eating without the hefty price tag?
Imagine the results clients would get if their daily nutrition efforts were working with your training, not against it…
and it didn’t cost them a dime more than they currently spend.
Would they be up for more muscle, less fat, less disease, and more energy at the same cost as their current level of fitness?
What’s the catch?
No catch, just three simple and inexpensive changes that will help them make the most of their money and their health.

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5 Reasons You Need a KettleBell in Your Life

1. Replace the Daily Latte with “Bullet Proof” Coffee suggests Personal trainer Philly! 

Our clients and most Americans are spending a ridiculous amount of money to get more “energy.”
According to a recent article, the average American spends over $1,100 per year on drive through coffee, and energy drink sales are set to top $21 billion this year.1,2
If you exclude children under the age of 18, each adult in America spends nearly $500 per year on Red Bull, Monster, and Rockstar, in addition to coffee. And we haven’t even accounted for 5 Hour Energy, herbal energy supplements, or tea, all consumed in the name of keeping our adrenals pumping out cortisol.
A simple, healthful, and inexpensive alternative to all these drinks that promise more energy is something called bulletproof coffee. Here’s how to make it: Blend a tablespoon of grass fed butter or unprocessed coconut oil into eight ounces of freshly brewed coffee.
Some people have taken this simple recipe to the next level, assuming that more is always better. I have seen some people add more than 500 calories of fat to their coffee each morning by adding way more than one tablespoon of butter or oil. Don’t do that; more is not better.
If you follow the recipe, what you get is a moderately-caffeinated, decadently frothy latte-like beverage without the price tag of a boutique coffee shop or the extreme levels of caffeine and other additives in an energy drink.
Studies into how effective this recipe is for health and energy are currently ongoing, but there is no evidence that it is bad for you in any way. Compare the two ingredients to something like a Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino —with 75 grams of sugar—or Red Bull with its heart-stopping levels of caffeine. And, it costs less than $1 per serving.
You can enjoy a morning energy drink to get you going, just be healthy and frugal about it.

2. Quit the Cable Addiction suggests Personal trainer philly! 

According to a study by Nielsen—a multi-national consumer study group—featured in the New York Times,3 the average American adult watches four hours of live television per day.4
That’s nearly double the amount of time it takes to get to the gym, change, crush a weight lifting workout, do some cardio, drink a protein shake, and get back home and on to the next thing.
Imagine how much better-off your clients’ households would be in if they spent even half of their TV time going outside, cooking and cleaning up after a healthy dinner, or doing something active together —check out this article if you need some inspiration.
Oh, and imagine the money they’d save. Basic cable costs somewhere around $60 per month and the fancy DVR services get as high as $150 per month.
It’s widely known that long spans of sedentary time are really bad for us.5 So, you could say that when your clients purchase monthly cable plans, they are literally paying for a lower standard of health and fitness for themselves and their families.
I’m not suggesting that all TV watching is bad, but we have so many on-demand services (Netflix, HULU, Amazon Video) that allow us to catch a show every once in a while and for less than $10 per month.
Instead of sitting down for four hours mindlessly flipping channels, you can pick or choose what you want to watch and be more selective.
Have an honest conversation with your client and ask, “What could you and your family be using this time for?” If they ditch the cable habit and get more active instead, they could expect to see:

  • Improved body composition,
  • Greater insulin sensitivity,
  • Higher cognitive functioning,
  • Overall improved health,
  • And, of course, a lot of extra pocket money.

3. Commit to a Real Sleep Schedule suggests personal trainer philly! 

Gallup reports that nearly 40% of Americans do not get enough sleep each night.6 “Big deal,” I can hear you saying. “What does this have to do with healthy cost-savings for my clients?”
Well, you may be fascinated to know that inadequate sleep is a major risk factor for obesity. Modern sleep researchers like those at the University of Bristol in the UK are finding that poor sleep negatively affects fat metabolism and over time can be a leading cause of obesity.7
The title of their recent article literally reads, “We should recommend more sleep to prevent obesity.” With $190.2 billion in medical costs attributed to obesity-related issues,8 (heart disease, pre-diabetes, orthopedic surgery, and others) sleeping more is a huge, cost-saving health boost.
Additionally, good sleep helps your clients recover more fully from their intense workouts.9 It will improve their energy levels and their ability to make good decisions about food and activity. It may even reduce their cravings for sugar and junk.10
There are many things we can do to sleep better, but Dr. Natalie Dautovich a behavioral therapist and sleep researcher at the University of South Florida believes that the simplest, most important thing is to commit to a normal schedule.11,12 Go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time every single night.
Ten o’clock at night until six in the morning seems to be the magic sleep time period, but everyone is different. Whatever the time, encourage your clients to set normal sleep and wake times and they will be healthier. And it won’t cost them any money.
Live Healthy, Save Money
Everyone wants the benefits of a healthy lifestyle but no one wants to pay the costs.
Though it’s true that gym memberships and trainers aren’t free and you’ll spend more at the grocery store for healthy food than junk food, a better, healthier life doesn’t have to break your clients’ banks.
By coaching them to set a sleep schedule, change their go-to energy drink, and get rid of cable from their daily routine, you can be the trainer who changes their lives for the better and helps them save money in the long run.


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