Personal Trainer in Philadelphia
Philadelphia Personal Trainer's , is the best solution for you to regain energy, lose the fat, build the muscle, correct your posture and live optimally!
Are you a female looking to lose fat and build muscle and need accountability? Want to get strong?
Are you a male looking to get big? Want to push the loads to the max and maximize muscle gain as you drop body fat?
We have the Optimal Performance training system just for you!
Sleep Science Coaching,stress management and brain health coaching!
Many clients don’t get enough sleep. They rely on caffeine and other stimulants to keep them awake. Sleep is critical in weight loss and overall enhanced wellness.
No other topic is as universally needed and appealing to you. You will always want to improve your sleep quality. Sleep (or lack of quality sleep) is responsible for the following: Metabolism, memory, creativity, immune function, sex drive, hormone balance, hunger, disease prevention, sports performance, accident avoidance, converting short memory to long-term memory, reaction time, good judgement, surgery recovery, depression/happiness and over 100 additional functions and behaviors.
Answer the following questions:
how much sleep do you get per night?
How much RESTFUL sleep do you get?
How deep do you sleep?
Do you want to learn strategies to help you get a full 7 hours of sleep a night? To keep your hormones optimal? To keep your metabolism running fast?
Are you aware that lack of sleep can slow down your metabolism making it hard to lose the weight and build the muscle?
Allow Dr. Phil Nicolaou, Spencer Institute Certified Sleep Science Coach Help you maximize your sleep to build muscle, optimize your hormone levels and boost your metabolism!